Dry Rot Repair Foundation Repair Contractor    We Repair all types of rotten wood, structural damage, foundations all over the San Francisco Bay Area.
Dry rot and foundation repairs require specialized knowledge of framing and structural related issues. We are experts in this area. If you have a termite report that calls out dry rot repairs, or are aware of rotted wood that needs proper replacement, we perform those tasks.
[pb_vidembed title=”Dry Rot Walls” caption=”Leaking Roof and Stucco Causes Dry Rot and Mold” url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBBpsLUshEU” type=”yt” w=”480″ h=”385″]
Dry Rot and Termite Repair Contractor Experts Serving San Francisco and All The Bay Area
Call Today For A Free Estimate 510-885-0197 or Email Us

Dry rot and foundation repairs require specialized knowledge of framing and structural related issues. We are experts in this area. If you have a termite report that calls out dry rot repairs, or are aware of rotted wood that needs proper replacement, we perform those tasks. Foundation issues typically combine cement/structural repairs, as well as framing repairs that connects the house to the foundation. From simple fixes, to “bumping” up a sinking foundation, pouring new foundation caps, or replacing entire foundations, we can help. Our services include plans, permits, engineering, and performing the work as required.
As part of our services, we have a licensed Sturctural Control Operator on our staff.   We can provide full termite inspections, perform treatments, as well as handle all repairs addressed in inspection reports.
For more information on this or any of our other products or services please contact us.
Call Today For A Free Estimate 510-885-0197 or Email Us
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